American Rabbits
American Rabbits are unique to North America and on the "watch" list with the National Livestock Conservancy. Developed in the early 1900's American Rabbits are a large, dual purpose, animal bred for meat and fur. Does weigh in between 10 and 12 pounds, bucks 9-11 pounds. They are generally docile in nature.
We selected the American's for our farm for their larger size, personality and the fact that they are a branch of American developed livestock in need of conservation to improve populations. Our herd is small, but growing from stock purchased locally. Their parentage goes back to stock acquired in Pennsylvania. Our goal is to maintain breeders and show stock true to the American Rabbit Breeders Standards of Perfection. Additionally, this is an ongoing 4-H project for our eldest daughter. |
AvailabilityKits available for reservation beginning of March 2022
Pedigreed show quality: $60 Pet Quality: $40 |